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Nov. 2023: David presents CASPER at the 2023 Annual AIChE Conference in Orlando, FL!

Dr. Hyeongmin Seo, Dr. Cong Trinh, and David Dooley at the AIChE 2023 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fl.
David Dooley presenting a talk on CASPER: An Integrated Software Platform for CRISPR Gene Editing of Non-Model Organisms and Microbiomes.

Oct. 2023: v2.0.1 of CASPER is released on Github, which includes various improvements to stability and performance, along with the introduction of alternative on-target scoring options. CASPER now provides the popular Azimuth 2.0 scoring algorithm trained on the Doench et al. 2016 dataset!

Aug. 2022: CASPER is published in the CRISPR Journal! Read the accepted version of the manuscript below: